To start off, I've been gaming for about 17 years now so I've seen a fair bit of the changes in the gaming industry over time. Just so you understand I'm not just some chob whom EA can tell what I like about games.
Hit Detection
EA + Hit detection have not been good as of the last couple of years until almost a full year after said game has been in full release. If you want a good way to wig the system out, do one of two things. Bunny hopping--yeah that's right bunny hopping wigs out the hit detection so much so that you have almost a full 0.5 second of invulnerability per jump, which is hilariously dumb. Don't worry if that Jedi is swinging at you with a lightsaber, just jump. Or combat roll, AKA "dark souls roll" as yet again you have invulnerability frames again for no reason.
Next the classes
The most played class by far mostly due to having the same damage output, well-rounded kit, and to top it all off with a staggering health pool of 200. The key soldier to winning any game as you can wade through ridiculously huge amounts of damage to push the lines
Ever feel like running around like a chicken with your head cut off--then look no further this bunny hopping, hip firing bad ass with a shotgun. The class is one of the few can one-shot people just by pointing in the general direction. However, he/she does have 50 HP less than the Heavy but it's made up for by bunny hopping.
AKA the tanky sniper, this yodeling leader class can buff the soldier's health by a massive amount of 100. But don't be fooled this Calotte wearing ninny can out snipe even the best of specialists for one painful reason; he has a sniper-pistol. With the second highest damage per shot in the game and double the fire right of the highest. He/she has 150 health, so if he self-buffs he has more health than any soldier in the game.
This piss poor excuse of a class has no place in the game currently after EA nerfed it into the ground after release(They needed to nerf the stealth mode, that is it). First, to start you have 100 health which means you will literally be one-shotted by most things in the game and you have to deal with doing FAR less DPS than everyone in else in the match. With the only good snipers being locked behind 200 kills and 500 kills respectively. First being after getting 50 kills to unlock the gun and 150 kills to unlock its burst fire - Doesn't sound so bad right? WRONG-It does 50 damage per headshot which means you need to hit 3-4 **HEADSHOTS** to kill somebody and you need to land the killing blow otherwise you get no progression. The the next sniper that is worth anything does only 125 damage headshots which means you need 2 headshots to kill most classes other than other specialists. So you can see a big problem, specialists are good at killing other specialists and that is it. And the officer's pistol does 100 damage headshots, so whats the point in a Specialist?
Let me start by saying one word; meaningless. There is no reason to level up most of the classes as the benefits are extremely lackluster. On the flip side leveling/unlocking hero's and spacecraft can make or break in combat, which in my opinion is even dumber. I say this because say somebody joins the game about a month after the release, he will have a significant disadvantage over somebody who bought the game on release. Regardless of how good either player is; somebody shouldn't have a massive advantage for playing the game as this is a good way to drive new users away. ***Looking at you Trion Worlds/XLGames/SOE/Daybreak***
Map count increased from nothing to 5 maps, or at least that's what feels like. Most of the maps feel like variations, that-is-all. And 80% of them are close quarters making the Specialist class even more useless. As for map balancing, this is one of the few things I felt EA did ok in. There are a couple of maps that are badly balanced but it seems most are pretty evenly matched.
I feel the game is pretty clunky in areas and definitely doesn't feel like a finished product at all. The game also gets pretty repetitive quickly and feels almost pointless. It's great for the first 10 hours but then it really starts to become a grind more than anything.
I give this game a three out of ten just due to graphics and the campaign was pretty good but only in the cinematic qualities.
That being said I don't think this game is worth 50$ as is.
**Note: Thank-god for refund policies**