I didnt think it was possible on the psp...but this is a great battlefront game.
First off lemme say this. I haven't played the old battlefront for psp, so I wont compare the old and new. This way, i can be as unbiased as possible.But this game is just plain fun man! Alot of chaos, explosions, vehicles driving/flying everywhere. cool starwars sounds all over. Lightsaber wielding phyco's running around killing everything. Every game is intense. I was a big fan of battlefront 2 for xbox. And Battlefront:RS allows me to relive those good ol days. Also the new customization feature is fun. It make the game feel more personal. Another cool thing is, when your in battle alot of the troops have unique looks too. Which make it feel a lot cooler. for example you can be blasting your way out of a enemy base with a wookie bounty hunter, while both of you are trying to keep eachother alive.(keep in mind...this is still singleplayer.) And the wookie gets blown away by a black storm trooper as he roars out his last battle cry. Its great! Playing as heroes are great too. takes some getting used to. Cuz enemies wont hesitate to blast you to hell. but its great being able to play with kit fisto, or mace windu, or my old battlefront 2 favorite, master yoda. And its also cool watching the computer slaughter enemies with a lightsaber too. Vehicles always make a game great. Theres a few new ones ive seen, and its always fun driving at high speeds and blastin everything in sight. Space battles are surprisingly nice as well. It feels juss like battlefront 2 for the consoles.
Now Ill get to online play.
Its great! But the biggest, and only problem is, theirs no way to chat, or communicate with your team mates . at least that that i know of. their may be voice chat, but i wouldn't know since i dont have a headset. But its really not so bad, cuz you could always communicate through aim instant messenger or somthin. Other than that, online is lots of fun. plays real smooth, and its cool to see what type of character people come up with.You can play space or land battles. both are fun.
Now the bad. DON!DON!DONNNNN!
ok. theirs not actually too much wrong with this game. But their is a few issues. First, and the thing im most pissed about, is that you cant have all hero battles anymore. Thats right, no more jedi vs. sith only battles. At least that I know of. BUT, I haven't had the game that long, so maybe its something i haven't unlocked yet. Another thing that i was kinda pissed about was that, you cant crouch walk anymore. No one usually cares about crouch walking, but it always made me feel stealthly, and cool. Speaking of which, the new game has the stealth cloaking device. and you can use it with any character, except heroes. But back to the BAD stuff. some people are saying the controls aren't great. I heard they sucked in the old game, this one has the old and new control scheme. and trust me, the new one is MUCH better. The controls are fine to me. Its only that, psp can only do so much with 1 analog stick.people are so used to dual analog, that they find it weird just to use 1 again. And besides, i remember a time where controllers only had 1 analog stick. Its called N64. And i heard no complaints then.
So overall renegade squadron is really, really really fun. And worth the $40. In my opinion, this game and Metal gear:portable ops is the closest you'll get to halo on the psp.And maybe the socom games too.(Which i haven't played yet). If your into starwars you'll praise this game like a god. And if your not into starwars, and you just love alot of killing and chaos, you'll be a very happy costumer. Im kinda in the middle. i love both. NOW GO OUT A PICK UP YOURSELF A COPY! so I cant get your gamer tag and we can bring democracy back to the galaxy!!!