With so much to do, its hard to put the game down.
Graphics: You may have heard from other sources that the graphics are sub-par, but once i got to see them i was very happy because they still looked good quality. It is not ur Tekken or Suphon Filter: Logans shadow graphics, but probably equivilant to SOCOM: FTB 2, which is a good thing. Space battles look good as well as ground. The only complaint is the rolling annimation to dodge is kinda choppy, but that is a very small flaw.
Sound: The sound is great! Expect all the wonder star wars music, lazers, Tie fighters, and TonTons! All these sounds add to the eonjoyment because i noticed when playing a 3rd person shooter like SOCOM on the psp, there really isnt any personality to enjoy, while when playing star wars you get to do all that star wars stuff, adding a lot of enjoyment into the game.
Replay ability: There is so much to do in this game. Dog fights, ground battle, galatical conquest mode, instant battle, campaign, custimization, and best of all: Infrastructure. When doing a ground battle you can play conquest, capture the flag, or hero capture the flag. I have had this game for bout 4 days now, playing it about 2-3 hours each day and i still havent tried all that stuff yet. The onlinr is great too, with an easy to understand ranking system, low lag, and so far i havent seen any hackers (hope it stays that way).
Gameplay: The gameplay is very solid. One reason i was torn was from playing SOCOM on the psp, i hated auto aim because it took so much skill from the game, but i understood there really isnt much else you can do besides auto aim for the psp unless u like horrible controls when it comes to shooters. There is still a lot of skill to be had here. The lock on takes a few seconds to become accurate, and the opponents can dodge or jetpack or do a number of things to dodge ur bullets. You have a good amount of weapons to use and it is easy to cycle through weapons or grenades. Gernades are easy to use and you can also have powerups which can make a duel intresting. Not to bag on SOCOM, but in the multiplayer when i played it, you approach someone, lock on, shoot, and hope u can kill them first. You cant hope to throw a gernade at them cause by the time you do that you're dead. So i quickly got bored of that because all the guns pretty much worked the same as well. It took skill down a peg closer to luck. In this multiplayer you can quickly throw a gernade at ur opponent, use a powerup, roll to dodge their lockon, jetpack, and do so much to make the duel more based on skill than who is simply ganna die first.