
User Rating: 7.5 | Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron (Bundle) PSP
The single-player campaign has received a less wide-ranging overhaul. It's got a stronger narrative, this time following the adventures of the Renegade Squadron of the title. They're a ragtag bunch of scoundrels and tough guys brought together on the orders of Han Solo to do the rugged soldiery stuff that the other wimpier rebels can't handle. A sort of Star Wars version of the Dirty Dozen, in other words, though the game does precisely bugger all with this interesting idea, sending you instead on the usual checkpoint-capturing, item-hunting fetch quests that would work out just fine with Rogue Squadron, Rhombus Squadron or Rotisserie Squadron. You never really see this fabled unit, or learn anything about them, so as a concept it makes for a nice subtitle but that's about it. It even does a pretty good job of crowbarring yet another bunch of stories in between the events of the original trilogy - including a level based on Han's throwaway comment about "that bounty hunter on Ord Mantell" in Empire Strikes Back.

The gameplay is still the sticking point though and I'm afraid that, for all the technical wizardy required to get 16-player online battling on a PSP, this is a genre that is simply better suited to the world of PCs and consoles. Two control systems are available - one which just uses the nub to move, with the right shoulder locking on to enemies, and one which removes the lock feature and instead uses the face buttons for free aim. While Rebellion deserve praise for offering alternatives, in practice it's all a waste of time. The lock-on makes the game phenomenally easy, playing it without makes the game phenomenally hard. Impossible even. Unless you're a masochist and plump for the fiddly manual aiming, the eleven campaign missions won't last a day, while during online play it really doesn't make sense to be the only one not using the lock-on, since you'll get spannered. With everyone locked on to each other, the game becomes a matter of simply running around in circles, trading shots.

They should have put it on the ps2 aswell