If there is one game to get for the psp this is it.
User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron (Bundle) PSP
This game is perfect. The campaign could be a little longer but it still make for a good story. You are part of the renagade squadren and you have to do multiple missions for your leader. If you are a multiplayer fan then this is the best for it. There are always plenty of games to join and the levels of players very. There is also an in depth leaderbord. The customization is a little disappointing there is a limited amount of credits you can spend. You can't just go in and make a killing machine you have to make some sacrifices. You also have the option to change your soliders color and body etc. Single player is great and perfect to practice on if you want to move up in multiplayer ranks. There are a few modes like conquest capture the flag and space battles. Space is easier than SWB2 there is a lock on to use. In all this is the perfect game for anyone.