Great step for the series.

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron (Bundle) PSP
Renegade Squadron is a huge improvement over Battlefront 2 on the PSP in many ways. First off, this version has Online multiplayer, which gains it a lot of points over previous entries in the series. Another great improvement is the control scheme. Instead of trying to port a control scheme over from consoles, the developers redesigned the default control scheme to a much more usable form. It uses an impressive lock on feature to do most of the aiming for you, and while that sounds like a bad thing, it really does work well for the PSP. Space maps have been improved a lot too, with heroes now being able to be used in space, and there is also more command posts besides the ones on the ships (on certain maps). There is a good variety of maps too, with most of them redesigned to give a more fast-paced style of gaming compared to SWBF2. Another good feature is the story mode, which, while short, is actually really good and adds to the Star Wars Mythos. All in all, if you're a Battlefront fan, you definitely need to pick this one up. If you haven't been a fan of the series before, I strongly recommend that you at least rent this one. Chances are that you won't be disappointed.