This game lack in so many departments and the worse thing is with the time they had developing it you would think with so little content the game would run smoothly, but no, it has so many glitches and bugs it gets really frustrating.
The good:
Great graphics, they are a joy to watch, takes you to a galaxy far far way for sure,
Sound effect are amazing! every sound in this game is so fantastic its a blast to throw grenades or shoot with new guns just to hear the different sounds in the game.
Heroes are a lot of fun to play, they don't have many abilities, but with the ones they have is pretty awesome. And finally a game where the force is like in the movie, invisible something the force unleashed and so many other games fails to understand, you don't need all that craziness to make the force look cool or dangerous.
The bad:
50 dollar DLC, for a game that only had 4 maps, 6 heroes, and only Slave 1 and The Falcon. for this game to be able to cost this much it needed at least 12 maps, plus 2 more in space, it needed Obi one, Yoda and Chubaka as heroes and Tarkin, Greedo and the yellow Lizard bounty hunter. This are heroes in the movies and should have being part of the game, not DLC, the DLC is suppose to be extra stuff, not essential part of the game. DLC heroes should have being Kylo Ren and people that are not part of the original trilogy. This is so disgusting. AND REALLY A 50 DOLLAR DLC???? FOR 4 NEW MAPS AND NEW EMOTICONS???????? DAAAAMN! Also you could had Vader's tie fighter and Luke's x wing with R2-D2 on it, but they are no where to be found.
And to charge 60 dollars and 50 dollar DLC for a game that has so many glitches its an insult, at least act like you care about your costumers. So many times my controls stop responding for no reason, or the menu doesn't work and i have to move the arrow for it to work or the many times i tried to use the chat and then for some reason i can't move my character, that's why i don't use the chat anymore, I'm afraid the glitch will interrupt my fun.
The aim in this game sucks, I had people right in front of me, shot them with the shotgun right in their chest and they would take no damage, then a guy would shoot me form far way with the same shotgun and kill me with one single hit.
Hero design for Vader and the emperor look like crap, Soul Calibur Vader looks way better and bad ass. Vader and the emperor look funny in this game.
And for me is not that the game becomes repetitive, that is what shooters are about, same with games like DOTA II, that does not mean they are not fun as hell, but this is a star wars game, it should have had at least a 4 hours campaign explaining key canon points about what happen during the battle of Hoth, Jakku, etc... But it has none of that.
Such a focus on emote, its like they think thats what people want from a Star Wars game EMOTES. The first time i saw someone used one of this emotes during a match, got shoot the life out of him.
This game is fun, now doubt about it, but is not worth the price, and to support this kind of corrupt act, just gonna ruin the gaming industry. Wait till they bundle all DLC with the hole game if you wanna try this, but is EA, so that might take 10 years before we can see something like that,
Dont buy it, I know as a Star wars fan this is hard, but trust me a good game will come soon. Till that moment comes enjoy the comic books, novels and movies that are coming and the free to play games on phone, and do not waste money on those either.