Star Wars Battlefront is fairly decent at best, poor at worst. The multiplayer modes are fun in the first few hours, but will start feeling dull eventually, making it a limited time experience. The single- player modes aren't much better, with battles and hero battles against stupid AIs, training for shooting and piloting vehicles, and survival, 15 waves of AIs attacking you until you die, and you will, saying as the ending waves are close to invincible.
The multiplayer modes are better, but only half of them are worth it. Walker Assault is fun, playing either to defend the AT-ATs or destroy them, but gets repetitive and boring after a few rounds. Drop Zone has players try to take control of a drop pod launched onto the planet, until the time runs out, and the side with the most pods wins. This is also repetitive and lacks variety. Supremacy focuses on capturing 5 checkpoints, and is merely Capture the Flag with multiple flags and Star Wars themed. There are many more modes, all mediocrely boring, making you feel unsatisfied.
Despite the lack of variety however, Star Wars Battlefront has done a great job with the graphic design and the sound effects. Explosions, voices, and characters are look and sound realistic, like they popped out of the movies to take their place in the catalog of Star Wars games. There are also no microtransactions, something that many gamers enjoy.
Besides the visuals and sound effects however, Star Wars Battlefront does not have much on it's side. It is repetitive and boring, and even the guns and appearances you can purchase with in- game currency gets boring after time. The game does some huge DLC baiting, and offers extra heroes and expansion packs for those who purchase (with real money) the season pass.
In total, Star Wars Battlefront is repetitive and boring, but with stunning visuals and sounds. This game, is far from good, but isn't terrible either. In my opinion, this game deserves a 5 out of 10.