With all the bad reviews... I was expecting a BAD game, but it was GOOD!!!
List of good environments... The outlander station captures a truly rusty, gunky feel. Coruscant is a jewel at night in the entertainment district, as gritty and industrial as the slums of East Beijing at sunrise (Meat Packing Plant), and Senator Trell's apartment in the morning looks so much like Tokyo, that I feel at home in it. Oovo IV is down right Jango-action at its best. Malastare disintegrates from a beautiful, mysterious, almost erotic exotic jungle to a cold hell, complete with moaning Bando Gora. Tatooine is true to the feel in the movies, and even adds some content- a krayt dragon only seen as bones in ANH. And finally Kohlma. Kohlma has to be the truly most emotional stage in any game... Period! From the bloody, cockroach infested kitchens in Resident Evil to Boogeyman peaking out of cracks in Smackdown vs Raw 2007 this has to be the darkest, most mentally grueling area in any game ever developed, again Period! (Well, actually Exclamation) I swear, the Bando Gora truly have to be the most terrifying enemies ever encountered in a game. Shooting at them with your macrobinocular sniper rifle from a mile away leaves you shooting ten feet to the side of an insane cult member- because your hands are shaking! I truly believe that for any environmental gamer such as my self (Best games experienced, Resident Evil, Metroid Prime 2: Dark Echoes, and Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time) this game is a must I rate this game.