Too boring to even finish. With a few extra coats of paint., this could have been a little more promising.
User Rating: 5.7 | Star Wars: Dark Forces PS
The Good: Relitively good gameplay allows fun shoot em up action that is a bit retro to say the least. The Bad: Graphics suck, is very boring, and it will disapoint many gamers,maybe. Better off playing Knights of the old Republic. The game was gotten for me as a first communion gift. But the gift does not carry the old "it's the thought that counts" phrase. Why? Cause the game is not that great at all. The graphics are what bring this game down, along with mediocre sound effects, and a terrible replay value. The thing will hold a good place in a collection, sense it is not that easy to find, but it will not last a good help in your gaming heart. It is not the fact that this game is bad, it is just that this game is not good enough to be a game to play that much. If it was updated a bit they could make it a little better. It is like Killzone, with a few coats of paint, this game could have been a lot better. But with Killzone, it already was fun, with Dark Forces, it was not that much fun in the first place. I don't reccomend buying it, but if you must, just note these flaws.