I had to beat it. when i was a child this game was soo hard

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars: Dark Forces PC
Came back and destroyed it. On the easiest diffuculty setting of course... this game is hard mainly because you get lost and it is hard to find you way. The challenge of the game is the mazing and leavers and doors. If I miss one leaver or door, i have no idea where i am going everything looks the same SIMPLE ok the cut scenes and stuff yes low quality because of the games age but are impressive I enjoyed the story.. and if there ever was a Dark Forces UNLEASHED hell yeah. But sadly this game is lost in the world of doom.. where I wonder endlessly through halls until there are no more possabilites, my lack of patience with this dinasour ment the cheats came out in the end.

Aiming straight was defenetly not the deal in this game much more the saving my big guns for the bosses smashing them down and blasting everything that moves.

In terms of the difficulty I would have hated this without cheats I wouldn't have had the patience to get to the end just got lost all the time, and on the hardest difficulty I just would have died lots to. very hard game. These days games have those long tutorials and long ass explanations during levels on how to get through stuff also the levels these days flow more even though they are more free to move the true 3d dynamic environments of today with big rooms and big halls mean you know where you have come from and where you are headed.