Look out its boba fett.................................. no no it's just watto
I still have it and i loved to play it because it has great action, great content, and good defeat and victory video's especialy my favorite the Rancor victory one and the Pugwis defeat one.
Some victory movies are
Rancor - eats chick
Aara sing - kills sopmeone or something
The guy in lukes vehicle - gets lightsaber
boba fett - enjoys a drink with jabba
pugwis - foregot
Some defeat movies are
boba fett gets or falls into rancor pit but escapes
pugwis - gets eaten by sarlacc
aara sing - gets killed
rancor - gets tortured
wookiee - gets electrocuted
jawa - gets killed
But the game still has its good and bads but i aint goiing to go intot hat now ok.
the game features over about 9 characters to chose from even darth maul, it has over 12 mpas to play in with almost every map having some things to destroy.
Dune sea is in there, Hoth, Death Star and with the death star tie fighters go down the trench and attack you and you can destroy them plus the laser is in there too, yavin is in their, mos eisly, etc.
The most powerful character there would be the wookiee with his AAT but the rancor is also pretty tuff and his special ability can pick up other enmies and throw them , this is very helpful on bespin when you are on the edge.
the game was very popular back in the day and too most starwars fans it still is.
there are still some levels with like movie vehicles in the like hoth, with at-at's and dune sea with the sand crawler.
some vehicles are
boba fett's ; jet Pack
Land Speeder
Snow Speeder
Pod Racer
Darth Mauls Speeder
Aara Sing Speeder
note those are some or all of them