Really Good Game!

User Rating: 7.7 | Star Wars: Demolition PS
O.K, so it's an old, PS1 game. BUT SO WHAT!? This is a great game with several modes. The best of these being the tournament mode. In this mode you battle against other enemies to try and beat all of them.

The graphics are good for it's time and the gameplay is excellent. You battle in an arena type map where you can pick up extra weapons to use against your enemies. The vehicles are interesting, from a Podracer to an AAT, all with different abilities.

The maps are quite good and range from the surface of the second Death Star to an arena in Naboo, and they are all fun and different.

So all in all it's a good game, although it is now too old as the PS3 is not compatible with PS1 games. So I would not recommend it now as it is too old.