Very fun game, it's almost a Star Wars twisted metal.
It's full of addictive game-play and is great to play with friends. There is a tournament mode which allows you to unlock many new characters, even Darth Maul is available.
The default characters are cool too, and each character's stats are balanced a little differently. Ex: Battle Tank has max def, but lower speed/special attack. While Boba Fett has only one bar of defense but has the best special in the game. Several enjoyable battlegrounds are available and they all have various different dangers and power-ups are always pretty well-hidden.
Graphics: 8, this is the psx people, these graphics are well-smoothed and amazing for the system!
Sound: 9 the sound is definitely a high-point. This game has great sfx, and professional voice-acting. Although in-game taunts would have been a plus.
Gameplay: 7.5, this game with definitely entertain, but it loses some fun playing it alone, actually a lot... This is one game you really should play multiplayer on.
Re-playability: Like most "Car Combat" games (at least for me), this game took a long time to bore me, but when it did, I put it away for a loooong time.