when I first heard that lucasarts would be coming out with a new RTS I thought to myself oh great another boring and dull game to add to the star wars RTS lineup.But after seing screens and reading reveiws I thought I should give it a try so I downloaded the demo and I love it.soon after I bought the game and I spent 4 stright hours playing it.The heroes are cool the modding community for this game are great and space battles were amazing!!!The only thing about the game is its to easy in some places.For example, if you have y-wings above the planet you can call for a bombing run from above, the thing that makes this cheap is the fact that you can use the sensor droid to lift the fog of war, hide your troops, wait for the bombing run to become available and bomb the crap out of everything.But besides that flaw the game is very good and a must buy for any casual or avid star wars fan out there.
Other Helpful Reviews for Star Wars: Empire at War
While not the greatest RTS ever made SW : EAW has more than enough going for it to be part of every RTS collection especially if you are a SW fan. Before i started to play this I was genuinely worried that I would be ... Read Full Review
Star Wars has a long history of RTS failures. Rebellion was a decent attempt that was marred by a clunky interface, and dry combat. There was Force Commander which featured flawed graphics, gameplay, and an abysmal sound... Read Full Review