When I saw this game, I thought "Ooo, looks decent. Galactic Battlegrounds was great, so this should be just as good". I was proven totally wrong when I tried it. The graphics are decent, but that's it. The sound was quite bad(Adm. Piett had 2 voices, his movie voice and a TIE-Pilot like voice, and a lot of quotes were ripped off from the movies), but the gameplay's what killed this game. There were no workers, and no building a civilization at all(that's a bit of the fun, in my opinion, and you couldn't even choose where to build), the unit cap was too strict(15's the max, and that's pretty lame), you couldn't get individual units(it's 18 Stormtroopers or no Stormtroopers), the Empire had no air units, the Empire's best land unit could be 1-hit killed(if an Airspeeder uses its cable on an AT-AT, it dies automatically), there wasn't a map editor that came with it, and the one you could download was all weird and hard to use(I've used Warcraft 3, Galactic Battlegrounds, Warcraft 2, Battlefield 1942, Neverwinter Nights, Warlords 3 and Heroes 3's map editors with no problem, but the EaW one wouldn't even let me put a unit down), there were only 3 Jedi(Obi-Wan, Vader and the Emperor, who's an uber) and the back mentioned you could be Luke? You could be Red Squadron, but that's as far as it goes. They didn't seem to put much effort into it. This game is the worst RTS I've ever played, and I hope there isn't a sequel.
Other Helpful Reviews for Star Wars: Empire at War
While not the greatest RTS ever made SW : EAW has more than enough going for it to be part of every RTS collection especially if you are a SW fan. Before i started to play this I was genuinely worried that I would be ... Read Full Review
Star Wars has a long history of RTS failures. Rebellion was a decent attempt that was marred by a clunky interface, and dry combat. There was Force Commander which featured flawed graphics, gameplay, and an abysmal sound... Read Full Review