Very disapointing, I dont recommend for anyone who likes titles such as AoE, C&C, Warcraft and Starcraft.!!!!!!!!!!!
But when I got this game it was totally to trash. It has a very bad limitation, the heroes are useless, even Darth Vader is a piece of crap...
I dont recommend for many reasons.
The map is very ugly, you dont have many kind of buildings and (again) the unit limitation is a thing you wont like in this game. I dont think why they did that, maybe to imitate Warcraft 3, but it just didnt work (at least for me, and some of my friends).
I play RTS since 1994 (Warcraft 1 was my first game) and I never saw a big disaster like this envolving such a big company.
The sound is PERFECT, the units appearance is PERFECT, but the gameplay is the worst I EVER saw!
If you like games like Command Conquer, Warcraft, Age of Empires you will hate this game....