very good star wars game, but just an average game.
first of all, the content and gameplay quickly gets old. usually the same battle is fought over and over again despite different maps. without the help of mods or patches, this game wouldnt last very long.
second, you might think fighting for control of a whole galaxy to be lots of fun. but it really isnt. one space battle and one land battle ( if you want, it really sucks il explain later ) and thats it, theres is your planet.
the auto balance option to fix these otherwise lengthy battles is very messed up. especially if your playing the Empire. one alliance raiding party of a hero and 2 units can easily overwhelm a moderate force and a small base. you might wonder why. making it almost impossible to quickly defend a planet from the alliance in a short amount of time. even heavily defended planets are open to these attack and theres is a good amount of chance you might lose the planet. needless to say, this can get very frustrating.
graphics and sound wise are okay, not that bad or great, but value and gameplay is really where it takes a crash landing.
good game, but needs more content and massive balancing.