I love Starwars, I Love Starwars games, I love this game, But I will aslo admit so that future buyers are aware, That after 2 Hours, I was Bored, After another 4 (Played it for about a week) I was done. Now when I sit in front of my PC and have nothing to do, I don't even start the game. Just dull. I like it, It is absolutely beutiful, But it is well, Boring. So Yes I do like it, but I can also admit it is well, after about 30 minutes...Boring.
Also just a note - The online Multi player is absolutely up-playable at the time I write this review. If you can get a decent connection (The lag is un acceptable) , You will find that the Multi player options are very limited and the 1 Player Campaign Game Play "Style" is not availble in Multi player.
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