A game that is well worthy of the Star Wars name.

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars: Empire at War PC
Star Wars Empire at War was a new experience for me. I had never played a game like Rome Total War before and wasn't used to making units and then only using those on a battlefield. So when I first played Empire at War I was a bit nervous. I got the hang of the controls soon enough though, and eventually I was having the time of my life sending in AT-ATs and waves of stormptroopers to crush those pesky rebels. Then I discovered something about the game that I loved and made me play it for ages more. Space battles. Oh yes, space battles. I found it so fun to pound away at the Rebel space station with Star Destroyer's and swarm them with Tie-fighters and bombers. The campaigns are fun with both sides, allowing you to play out the story between the films, and the skirmishes add some length to the game. But the mode that I loved the most was Galactic Conquest. You would start out in a galaxy as either the Rebels or the Imperials, and you have to accomplish a certain objective in a certain amount of time, such as destroy all the Rebels, or something similarly brutal. All in all, Empire at War is a great game if you are a fan of Star Wars and also a great game if you enjoy strategy games.