Star Wars: Empire at War. Where to start? AWESOME, would be one word. This game could've easily gotten a 9.0. That's what I'm giving it. The game itself has awesome game play and great tutorials that teach you the ropes pretty easily. Some of the stuff you'll probably forget, but most of that you won't even need to beat the game. The units are awesome, though I would've like to be able to play other factions like the Republic Troopers before they turned Stormtroopers, etc etc. The only problem I saw with the game was that the objectives were sometimes unclear. For example, it would say something like, "Build a fleet and escort Lord Vader to Planet A." What kind of fleet? A space-attuned fleet, or a ground-assault fleet? Or both? What planet is Vader on? Little things like that. Though, on the bottom left corner for the campaign there is a little R2-D2 droid that tells you everything and shows all the holograms. I think this was an awesome touch. A++ from me to the makers of EaW, easy.
Other Helpful Reviews for Star Wars: Empire at War
While not the greatest RTS ever made SW : EAW has more than enough going for it to be part of every RTS collection especially if you are a SW fan. Before i started to play this I was genuinely worried that I would be ... Read Full Review
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