even if when you completely hate Star Wars, it doesnt really matter, because when you play this game you won't be wonder
later i had a copy of Star Wars: republic commando which was a very well made FPS which i enjoyed playing along the 7 hours of reptitive levels it had but that drift us from the game we are discussing today.
Empire at War is such a beautiful game, starting with the amazing main menu that sets you in the Star Fighter Ship thing's Pit, with some pretty effect coming and going away.
to start your game life in the game your left with many options, you can start the campaign, play a dominiation thing where you play in some solar system where you want to acquire all planets around, i guess that the purpose of it, i havent had the chance to try it yet but i believe it will be something pretty cool.
and you got the Skirmish type of game, you start with a base and you start building galactic armies to conquer whoever is competing against you or whatever.
Gameplay, as you must have read about the game, you play in both Space and On land in several planets, the point here is to set your armies with the most effective units, infantery units can't fight with spaceships some how.
you get to choose whether to play the empire conquest or play as the rebellion to repel the emperors tyrants. i am sure someday i will understand why Darth Vader is that powerful and so invinceble.
the game is brilliantly made to never bore you, if you get bored of space battles you can always choose to auto-solve battles but make sure you always have an advantage so you wont just lose your entier fleet.
the games AI, Smartness can always outrun you so you must always be check whats going on around your massive empire, or you might suddenly find yourself in the middle of a lose-lose battle with a army that consists of so many units that the computer can't correctly count.
i believe i been talking for long so i will make the next few lines as short as possible, Voice acting is Terrific, Battle Control is better than Battle for Middle Earth. i mean way better it just so easy, no need to go millions of building to upgrade or train more units.
i recommend this game for anyone, whether you like strategy games or you just play them when you can't get a better game at the moment or you just another Star Wars phreak. its worth every penny it costs.