I like the game but I have to say that the consortium is not leveled out with the rebels or the empire a big flaw in rts

User Rating: 7 | Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption PC
Well the latest expansion for Star Wars Empire at War is out and although I love the new units, I am disappointed with the blatent one-sidedness for the Consortium, the newest addition to the Star Wars universe. Perhaps it's for the best to improve the flow of the game but when it takes the rebels and empire ten seconds to retreat from battle and the Consortium five there is an obvious problem there. We also can't forget the ground units and how the Consortium gets shields on ALL of their buildings. Now on to the good things. Dark troopers are cool, really really cool. When you combine that with the addition of the new Tie fighters the empire can finally keep up with the rebels in space. At the same time I almost feel sorry for the players that loved the rebels. They seem like they got the short end of the stick. Yes I know Yoda and Luke are awsome but they only get two new ships in space and they take away the best power Obi-wan had(force heal) and replace it with jedi mind trick, a power that makes things run in random directions away from you and they still can shoot at you. Other then the addition of the troop transports, mobile build pads and new heroes they get no new ground troops. Compare that to the three new imperial ones and the Consortiums new units and it almost feels that the developers just don't like the rebels. As a fan of RTS games I truly hope that the next expansion takes a look at these flaws and fixes them. Personally I would like to see them implement the Yuzan Vong in the next expansion for this series and make things a little more even when it comes down to the armies and draw some more from the rich universe that is Star Wars.