I think that you like or not this kind of game, but as i love total war for its strategy map and their combat, i should have been please by empire at war which is slightly the same for its strategy side.... but honestly every part of this game is like a copy and paste of what we know already, except for the space combat map. But overall Empire at war is boring and i wont continue to play this game to see if its less boring after 10 hours of gameplay. Finally, this star wars title is like every title of star wars game (except knight of the old republic...great game) ..a deception and a copy and paste.
Other Helpful Reviews for Star Wars: Empire at War
While not the greatest RTS ever made SW : EAW has more than enough going for it to be part of every RTS collection especially if you are a SW fan. Before i started to play this I was genuinely worried that I would be ... Read Full Review
Star Wars has a long history of RTS failures. Rebellion was a decent attempt that was marred by a clunky interface, and dry combat. There was Force Commander which featured flawed graphics, gameplay, and an abysmal sound... Read Full Review