Great idea but definitely not a large enough game.

User Rating: 9.1 | Star Wars: Empire at War PC
I am a big Star Wars fan and I that's why I bought this game. This game does have some great aspects to it like it's grahpics (especially in space) and its sound and gameplay. The space battles are epic. The Star Destroyers are quite a sight around the tiny TIE fighters and such and the laser effects are great. The land battles aren't as great but they're still pretty good. The units are realistically detailed and modeled. But my main problem is how small and short the game is. There aren't many units as I was hoping to be. I have Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds which has a huge amount of units and technologies but this game hardly has any. And I was disappointed by how small the maps were. It is a good game, just not expansive enough for me. Hopefully, the new expansion pack will satisfy me a bit.