Great game. Terribly frustrating camera and controls.
User Rating: 8.2 | Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles PS
Ok I keep hearing it places and I don't recall people saying it before because I only recently got caught up in the videogame competition. The Sony playstation does not I repeat DOES NOT have better graphics than the nintendo 64. And if you think it does, take a look at a comparison. Anyway, that's not what I don't like about this game, althoguh I do like the game. The camera angles are so frustrating that you want to eat your playstation. People get randomly killed off and hurt just because the camera is pointing the wrong way. It is very discouraging and definitely detracts from the experience. Although on the other hand, the co-op play is very co-op and makes a defining multiplayer experiences. Also, the combination button force moves are funny and fun and exciting. No other co-op I have played has had this level of strategy and "cooperation". There is also an exceedingly large and pretty difficult main game to sastify hardcore gamers. It is a very good playstation title, and despite terrible camera views, it's multiplayer (don't bother with single mode) is enough to warrant a thumbs-up for jedi power battles.