A game where the bugs actually make it better to play.

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles PS
No, Power Battle was in no way the best of it's time. Yes, there's probably a whole lot Lucasarts probably could have done to make it better. Sadly, in truth, it's a shame they couldn't try this form of game play with the other episodes, possibly fix it up a bit.

Jedi Power Battles is a game filled with enough bugs to make critics repeat themselves, but when you get around to it, that's what makes a game a great game: finding a way around it's flaws that make it hard, cause that's what makes getting through the levels an enjoyment.

As someone who personally grew up with the game, let me say that it was a personal favorite as a kid, cause I wasn't able to play it non-stop, so it became a race to see how far I could get every time I played it. It was hard, but the familiar characters drawed me in even more. When I found the game later on in life, I was surprised how I remembered the mistakes I made due to all the bugs, and I used them for my benefit.

Sure, if you hit a ledge the wrong way, you'll fall off and hit the ground two feet below dead. You try to go back from certain save points to pick up extra points from droids you killed before who responded after your last death, then your stuck behind an invisible barrier keeping you from proceeding (Happens by the broken bridge in the 'Ruins', you have to jump repeatedly in the corner of the screen to get out.). You happen to get to the end, and you'd think it would be funny to try and knock Darth Maul into the pit. Then the game lags, and you have to restart the entire level again. But in the end, it was a learning process that made going through the game fun.

Power Battles aloud players to interact with the story in ways, as said in other reviews, fan's may have only dreamed about. The fighting style was surprisingly good for games of it's age, and it's hard-at-first, easy-to-master game play mixed with it's length aloud the player to come back any time they felt and just have a go at it. If players wanted something fresh and new, they wouldn't have boughten this game anyways due to it being the exact story line with the add on of the extra characters. It's a good game to run through when boredom arives, switch out of when something new comes along, then switch back when you realize that the new game gets old faster then the old. This game overtime still doesn't seem to get old, just needs a break every now and then

For people who won't stop playing a game till you're 100% done will find this a good time waster. The bugs make the player cautious, and over time changes their method of play. It all depends on the player and how you take the game, but for one willing to get the most out of their games, they may find that this game, although disappointing at certain points, promises more then they may have expected.