This game is the best! If you get bored, just run about mos eisly and kill people! Its fun!

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace PS
This was my first game and my favorite game of all time! I think its the only official game that is like the actual film! This is the characters:

Character Weapon

Obi-wan Blue Lightsaber
Qui-gon Green Lightsaber
Captain Panaka Blaster Pistol
Padme daft electricity gun

The only annoying things are when you need to protect someone and they wander off! AND Captain Panaka's gun! You need to protect the queen but the bullets bounce off walls, so the end up hitting her! Padme's electric gun doesn't kill, but it stuns and makes the droids fire at their comrades!? It is no match for destroyer droids though!

A great thing about this game is kill jar jar binks!

All together this game is great! If you are a star wars fan, you'll love this!