This could have been a great game, but too many flaws hold it back from greatness.

User Rating: 7.3 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith PS2
Well, where do i begin with this, personally i have been waiting, and waiting, AND WAITING for the last movie to come out, ever since clone wars (which i thought was a excellent movie, i dont see what all the fuss is about.) and frankly now that it is here, my life is now complete, but let me get into the review. Revenge Of The Sith (Game) First let me start off with the game, since it came out first. i have to say, i am disappointed in this game, when i first heard the game was coming out before the movie, i thought george was crazy, but then i was like, maybe this is a good idea. So i go and buy the game, i pop it in, im having instant fun, of course. but then as i play it more, i wanted more. i wanted more out of the experience, yeah i can play as Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker, but wheres the multiplayer. There is multiplayer in it, but its not very good. You dont even have the luxury of playing through the storyline as Anakin or Obi-Wan, no you have to play little side missions that have nothing to do with the game at all. There is only four missions, 4 MISSIONS, what type of bull is that. Also for the last so called multiplayer mission, you get to play as Cin Drallig and Serra Keto, WOW, im so excited to play through a bland, not fun, suck tastic board with two jedi that werent even in the movie, and got killed so easily for that matter. Storyline- Let me address another issue with the game, the storyline. Oh yes, you get to play as Anakin and Obi-Wan as i mentioned, but where is the replayability. there is no replayability at all, you can play through the same lame storyline missions as usual, but theres nothing to give you a challenge. The enemies are well designed, but they are lame, very easy to beat, not much of a challenge there, even on normal, the droids are ridiculously easy. And in the main missions there is really no real fun objectives to do, WOW, i get to disrupt power generators by throwing my lightsaber at it, real fun guys. Let me say this about the missions as well, there are bonus missions in the game , that add a little variety to the game, like the mission to play as General Greivious's bodyguards, wow they didnt last through the game, nor the movie that long. Then there's the mission to play as Greivious, you can play as Yoda, our beloved jedi master, Anakin, and wait for it, DARTH VADER, YES finally you get to pley as Darth Vader, but dont be fooled, the mission is whack as f***. There should have been multiple storylines, where you can play like ten missions as Greivious, or as Yoda, Anakin already got the main missions, he dont need anymore. Overall, the replayability sucks anus holes. Graphics- Pretty decent, they were capable of delivering much more stunning graphics, especially on the xbox, but overall decent. Gameplay- The combat system is very impressive i might say. I really enjoyed HACKING UP DROIDS FOR THE FIRST 8 MISSIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was real fun, then i got to kill Mace Windu, i thought that was real fun, but Mace Windu is one of my favorite characters, so me fighting him was fun. Although the combat system was very thorough, it was lacking depth, a lot of it. When you first pop it in and fight, the combat feels decent and very cool, then you play it over again, it turns into a basic hack and slash, which gets very tiring after a while. There's really isnt a strategy effect to the game, run through a level cutting up droids and jedi's (later on), maybe block a few shots from a droid, and defend yourself from a jedi, but really nothing special. Overall, the gameplay is decent, but they should have spent more time on the strategy element of the game. Audio- Very fluid sounds and its a pleasure to listen to the opening theme song, as well follows throughout the game is very incredible audio, very loud and maybe i dont know if its dolby digital, i dont care anyways, the sound is amazing. Overall- Well folks overall the game is decent but doesnt deserve a 50 dollar price tag, i think that if they had spent more time on gameplay elements, and maybe improving the mechanics and features they give you, maybe adding in a little opposite storyline where anakin stays a jedi and kills the emperor or something, it would deserve my highest recommendation, but it doesnt.