The best star wars game ever made is all i got to say.You wont be dissapoinnted when you play this game its simply great

User Rating: 9.6 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith PS2
Gamespot and ign must be high for giving this game lower then 8.0 i hate both websites now this game is great the only fault in the whole game is that its short and you cant pick yoda in vs WHICH IS GAY!!! some graphical glitches ver little beside that graphics are great and sound also.GREAT GAMETHIS iIS as yoda would say!the sowrd manuvers is great you can mix them up with slowmo and force moves which is great it also has 6 bonus satages and a good duel mode wich has alot of stages but thier very small GREAT GAME A MUSTBUY FOR STAR WARS FANS AND A GOOD CHOICE FOR EVERYBODYELSE