I have played many games by Lucasarts before Episode 1 debuted. Those were the days when Star Wars fanatics were treated to quality games. You had X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Star Wars (SNES) and a couple of notable ones not too far away. Notably, the last real good game based on the Star Wars franchise was KOTOR 2 but that is a RPG. The only direct comparison I can give that provides some remote similarity in this type of action game is the Dark Force/Jedi Knight series. The game throws everything out the window in terms of getting you to believe that you are actually a jedi. You will not be immersed in this game. Example? You Jedi turn into bad Dark Jedi. Dark Jedi slaughters a few of their closest friends. Mad Jedi wants to attack you after his friends die. Dark Jedi stands behind tables. Mad Jedi can't seem to figure out how to move the tables or the chairs nor do they know how to walk around them. You'll also be hard pressed that you have most enemies do not block and most Jedi will dance around you rather than fight you. Repetition is hardly the word to describe the kind of game that this is. Other beat 'em ups (or slice 'em ups) are much better at doing this type of game. The older Stars Wars 2D scrollers are actually more entertaining than this game. Although it followed the movie's storyline, the scrollers provided some variety in action, attacks, and boss fights. You can also tell based on the graphics and the annoying camera that the developers barely had anytime to clean any of the environments up much less the game shady AI. Why do some Jedi wait for their allies to be slaughtered and then attack is beyond me. I barely see a game get good treatment if it somehow tries to leverage an impending release of a movie. Episode III is one of those games where Lucasarts hopes to pull a fast one on the Star Wars fanboys and milk the license for all its worth. The company knows they will be making tons of money with the movie so why not invest it in a game that truly reflects the movie? Why not put out a decent battle system instead of making it a button mashing affair? Why not make the camera a tad bit better by putting relevent action on camera so that you can see more than 10 meters away from you and not just lasers whizzing by. How about something positive? The soundtrack is John Williams. Great. I love it. The sound effects? Cool too. It is typical Star Wars greatness. The game is well tracked and voice acting and cutscenes are good. However, there are just too many things wrong in this game and sound/music can only carry the game so far. Yes I'm complaining but why shouldn't I? Just like the books and the movies, A real Star Wars fanatic should expect more from their games because they deserve it. They are the ones putting the money into George's wallet. They shouldn't have to stand for crap like this just because they're really into Star Wars. I'm a big fan of Star Wars but compared to other Star Wars games I've had in the past I'm just not a fan of this one. A mediocre game deserves a mediocre score. radcastro.com
Other Helpful Reviews for Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
The idea behind the Revenge of the Sith (RotS hereafter) game was to give players the "Ultimate Jedi Simulator". Playing as Obi-Wan or Anakin, the game takes us through most of the high-action scenes from the film, culmi... Read Full Review
it brings a tear to the eye to see such a great event turned in to a tradegy of a game. star wars episode III the game ruins the whole movie, not just how it ends, its just embrassing to compare it the film. atleast the ... Read Full Review