With the release of Revenge of the Sith, Lucas Arts take advantage with the tie-in game

User Rating: 4.6 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith XBOX
At first the game seems ok. You slot it into your console, and get slashing. Now, as a hack'n'slash, it is great fun, the only problem is that it is one of the shalowest Hack'n'slashes in exsistence. Blocking prevents almost any attack in the game, all you have to do is block until the enem finishes an attack then press X three times, rinse and repeat and hey presto, in 5 hours of play you've completed it. As far as authenticity goes, you may think that the moves look really cool and realistic (the animation is undeniably good) but then you realise. You cant actually block mid attack. Im not sure how succesful Jedi would have been in the Old Republic if every time they swung their lightsaber, they did so with no defensive ability. Graphics are OK looking, and the backdrops are quite fantastic, however this aids the game little in being 'good' as it were. The lightsabers, droids, and character models are also in fine shape, giving us at least a little eye candy. Movie scenes are put into the game, but none of the good ones, and it all goes together into one incoherent babble, not offering any depth that the movie offers from a storyline perspective. The audio 'vwangs' of the lightsaber sound pretty good, and the blasters are right on check, however, the actors have not offered their voices, and the worst mimics in the history of vocals have been attempted. I could do a better Yoda! Overall, this game is a cash-in, nothing more, and nothing less. It is one of the worst Star Wars titles released, and whilst only having played a demo of Lego Star Wars, it certainly stood its ground compared to this garbage.