Of all of the movie based video games I've played, this one is definitely the best of them all and deserves attention.

User Rating: 8.9 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith DS
There have been many movie based video games, but most of them are horrible. Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith is one of the few movie based video games that is actually good. It is also a game that proves that you don't need good graphics to make a good game. It has some of the greatest gameplay I've ever seen in a side-scrolling game. If you've ever played one of the old beat 'em up games like Streets of Rage, then this game should feel quite familiar to you. You can walk aroud going left, right, up, and down. The basic concept of the game is to proceed through the level, but as you do that, you are attacked by the well know Battle Droids from the Star Wars Movies. After you clear a section of all of it's enemies, you then proceed through the level and the process repeats itself as you fight enemies. The enemies get tougher as you progress through the game. One of the best parts of the game is when you have a "Duel" with one of the bosses. Basically, in a duel, you can only move back and forth. You must block your enemy's attack and then counter attack to do some damage. It gets a little more complex as you duel more and more bosses. When I played this game, I was quite impressed with how the force powers work. Of the two characters, Obi-Wan Kenobi or Anakin Skywalker, each one of them has their own specific force powers. Obi-Wan's force powers are more defensive because he is a light side character. Examples of his force powers are Force Shield, Force Heal, and Jedi Mind Trick. Anakin's force powers, however, are more offensive because he is more toward the dark side of the force. Examples of his force powers are Lightsaber Throw, Force Rage (which increases his attack power for a certain amount of hits, depending on what level the force power is), and Force Choke. Both Obi-Wan and Anakin have the force powers Force Push and Force Pull. Force Push and Force Pull can be used to interact with objects in the enviroment as well as attack the enemies. Throughout the levels, you collect Customization Points, which are used to increase the level of a selected force power. You get Customization Points by finding them in certain parts of the enviroment and by performing "Jedi Style" and "Speed" bonuses. This game makes use of the DS's touch screen by allowing you to use special attacks by touching it on the touch screen. For Obi-Wan, they are called Focus attacks, and for Anakin, they are called Rage attacks. One other thing that makes this game great is the "dogfights". Dogfights are battles that take place in the spaceship, where you fly around and shoot other fighters down. Dogfights are in 3-D and offer a LOT of freedom to the gameplay. For anybody who's ever played a beat 'em up game, I recommend this game. I also recommend this game to any Star Wars fan. It's your choice if you decide to play the game before the movie, but you will notice that a lot of dialog and events that happen in the game actually happen in the movie. I played the game and then went to see the movie and it felt like I had seen it tons of times before, so this game has a LOT in common with the movie.