" A very good Star Wars Game...But not quite what I Expected."

User Rating: 6.8 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith XBOX
Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith is a good game that will have you wanting to play a lot. However, the game could easily be beat in a few days and has very little replay value. Therefore, after you have beaten the game you lose that feeling of wanting to play a lot.
The levels are good and exciting, and it is cool to see how Anakin changes through the game. The alternate ending is also a cool touch. The minigames are fun to play, but after you have beaten them, there is nothing left to do and you end up getting bored.
If you are looking for an exciting game, you might find one here. However, due to limited replay value and a short game, I would only recommend renting this game.