Light sabers are fun
User Rating: 6.9 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith XBOX
Hi, this is my first review so im going to try my best. Graphics: The envimorments you play in are rather blan and simlar sometimes to the point were your thinking "havent i been here?" The characters are 50 50 from afar they look great but once you zoom into one of its many cut scenes you see the lack of detail which was most likely done because it was rushed onto the market to reach episode III date. Sound: The music in this game is of course great, you have all the star wars music your heart can content but as you can above you this has no perfect score. WORSE VOICE OVERS EVER! Anakin voice sounds like he is bored as all hell although I would be bored to after saying some of the worse lines ever. Obi won sounds as if they grabed the first actor they could who can do a mediocre british accent and the one liners that come out of his mouth are just unbearble. I turned of the voices in the sound option. Gameplay: Now i might sound like a grumpy old man but this game was FUN. Through out all the mediocre graphics and terrible voice overs i had a blast doing saber on saber combat. For once we star wars fan can duke it out with light sabers with are friends without getting laughed at or arrested. The game has 2 sepreate gameplay types. You have your typical hack and slash for one part (it is okay) but then you got your saber duels. I have never expirence star wars light sabers like star epiode III offers. Value: This game is way to short. I beat this game in 4 hours. That includes the cut scenes. If you skip them its 2 hours easy. Although it does include the extremly fun multiplayer duel mode and the terrible co op mode it is only worth a rental.