I expected sth unusual, sth big that will finally change my point of view on action games. But the game is...average.

User Rating: 6.8 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith PS2
To be honest I`m not such a big fan of actions games (probably beacuse of that lately such games are too schematic and have nothing new to offer). I`m neither a fan of StarWars. But as always from pure curiousity i watched a movie and tried the game. My reflections? hmm... a nice linear story with nothing else but mindless clicking on the pad. GFX engine: Nice looking, but have some glitches (unusual object colissions etc.) and i sometimes i spoted that the console is not keeping the constant FPS. Played it on PS2, and still, as for this console abilities i`m giving 9/10. Of course i must admit that a big dose of special efects and of course "motion captured" character movements and light saber fights impressed me. Music: well... typical SW, after all that years still you want hear it and its not disturbing you in the gameplay. Honestly i didnt played long enaugh to tell you if "in long term" music is getting borring... but sometimes it repeats, and therefore it may :>. Gameplay: Hmm... nothing unusual... joust a typical hack&slash. Slash slash, trigger the special action, use the force, jump, jump, slash slash, guard... and so on, and so on... I must admit that in single player game (regardless of the storyline) is getting borring VERY FAST. But have some good (light :) ?) sides. First is multiplayer mode. In cooperative play and duel mode game really is getting interesting. Of course duels are rather not impresive (oh well, this is not a Tekken5 you know ;P) but sure give you lots of fun. From the other hand as far as i know there wasnt a person that could stand a n+1^n hits with lightsaber before knock out... where is the reality in here? :) Oh i get it...they have super mega experimental shields :). Another interesting idea is player "upgrades"... after level completions you have some points that you can redistribute among your abilities. But itll not lvl up instantly... first you must "charge" the "level bar" with a proper ammount of skill points. Hmm... sounds familiar dont you think ? allmoust all H&S games have such system now... so even if it is interesting, this is still nothing unusual and new for me ^_^. Difficulty: easy for me... to be honest the game is intuitive to learn and you really can beat it in no time :). As i said before, fans probably will like it. The stroyline is interesting, but this "typical" hack&slash with nothing unusual... anyway... its still fair and worth to take a look. May the force be with you ^_^