Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge Of The Sith a great star wars game.

User Rating: 7.3 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith PS2
Star Wars Epsoide 3 Reavenge Of The Sith is an awsome video game. The story goes almost exactly the same. There are a few playable characters if you count the versus mode. The game is great but has a very low replay value beacuse there is no free roaming and nothing changes. its an awsome game. And gives you obi-wan and Anikan point of view of the story. With an alternate ending. The also has co-op and versus mode, these modes are good but co-op is short and also very repetative. To be frank the entire game is repatative, but that dose not make it a bad game. Also the combos and moves are quite good. And the story is awsome of course. All together it is an awsome game.