Gamespot really dropped the ball when they rated this game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith XBOX
What can I say about this game that the true starwars fan hasn't said already,
I mean this game was the best starwars game that they made that was based on the movie. I like the light saber battles cause it really gave u the feeling that u were in one of those epic fight scenes like anakin skywalker or obi wan.
I like the dual battles because my girlfriend is a starwars fan and she and I would have battles for hours, even making drinking games out of it. The story line was ok, but I think they could have done a whole lot more with tying the movie in with the game because it didn't make too much sense, and the things that the characters were saying were kind of contradicting to how they were supposed to act, but all an all it was a entertaining game and I was definitely entertaining.