Revenge of the Sith for the DS is a fun game, it just needs some extra juice.

User Rating: 8.2 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith DS
Let's face it, there really has never been a good handheld Star Wars game. Until now. Revenge of the Sith for the Nintendo DS breaks that long curse. Revenge of the Sith is your basic side-scrolling action game. But more fun than others of that catagory. The story mode is short, and I mean really short. You'll have both Anakin's and Obi-Wan's stories completed in about 2 or 3 hours, and that's only if you take your time. But there is some extra fun in that little DS cartridge of yours. There is also an added 3D ship fighting multiplayer mode. You can choose from about 17 ships (mostly from Episode III, but some others make an appearance). Up to four friends can duke it out, or you can blow up some bots. Revenge of the Sith is really fun, if it was a little longer and had a few more things to do, it could have been a work of art.