A lazy game made by ubisoft, but good in some way because it got my friends to buy the DS.

User Rating: 4.8 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith DS
I want sure if i should have got this game or not. so in the end i decided to get it.(dont know why). at first it was quite fun, but after like 20 minuets it got boring and anoying. i startted playing it with 1 of my friends at school, after that my other friends got a DS through the game(flying mode only availabe for multiplayer). But now when we look back at it comparing it to games like MPH and MK it rubbish. and dont know why we played it.

-Fun for a couple of minuetes
-Flyiing mode is pretty good multiplayer and with bots

-Lazy GBA graphics
-Too easy
-Vey short

easy 2 button play

GBA graphics
flight mode looks kinda good but looks very cheap in a way. nice try i supose?

Cool Star wars theme tune and stuff

not worth it at all, BUT for my case if it was'ny for this game other games wouldnt be a fun for multiplayer