Better than people say it is..IT'S GREAT!
The gameplay on this game is great. If you have played Lord of the Rings: Return of the king, you will know what this game is like. It is a type of game where you push a button and you swing your lightsaber. I think it is really cool. This is one of the only good games where you can be a jedi fulltime. There are a lot of cool stuff in this game. On some levels you get to fight as the dark side(Anakin) and on some levels you can be on the light side(Obi-wan). wish you would be able to custamize your characters moves though. Like in Lord of the Rings. That would make the game better.
The graphics on this game are really good. There are no glitches in the game and you can always tell what something is. You will never get any charecters mixed up. Even the droids.
The sound on this game is great. I think it is cool the way the lightsaber sounds. You can always hear the buzzing. Ther droids also sound cool. They talk a lot.
Overall this game is really good and is worth buying but is a little to short.