Experience the climax of the Clone Wars in the palm of your hand.
User Rating: 7.1 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith DS
You can either play as Obi-Wan Kenobi to find out why all of the clone troopers suddenly turned against the Jedi, or you can play as Anakin Skywalker and go down the path into the Dark Side. Both characters have different levels that branch out to give a view of both sides of this movie-game. This game is a 2-D sidescrolling arcade fighter at the core. Pick a character and romp through the levels defeating battle droids, troopers and weak Jedi. There's really not much to it. Also, the game features 3-D space battles. You would think they would suck, but actually, the 3-D space battles control very smoothly and they don't entirely suck. The graphics of the 3-D battles are lacking, most everything is simply textured polygons, and unfortunately, explosions are in 2-D. The 2-D portions look like a GBA game, because it is a GBA game. Ubisoft took the GBA version, added touch screen control (select a powerful attack via touch screen), and there you go. If it wasn't for the space battles, this game would not really be worth buying. Sure, the single player adventure is fun, but the fun dries fast. It's drained when you beat the game as both Anakin and Obi-Wan. Fortunately, there's a bit of multiplayer in the game. Multi-Card play allows up to 4 people in 3-D dogfights. There's a bit of variety of ships, both old and new, which provide a bit of fun. Bots can be added, too. Unfortunately there's like 8 maps to play on, only 2 are recognizable.
The game's audio simply rocks. You'd think that Ubisoft would make MIDIs of the music, but in reality, you're getting the real deal here. Even if it is coming out of DS speakers, the music sounds just as good as ever. Only one thing: there's no music from Episode III whatsoever. Only music from the other movies.
The game does a decent attempt on telling the story. Most cutscenes are still artwork with a caption explaining what is currently going on. Otherwise it's just characters "talking" (via text boxes). People who hasn't seen the movie and is playing the game might get a little lost, but who HASN'T seen Episode III?
If you buy this game, you'll probably only enjoy it until you beat it.