What an utterly dismal wretched game this was.

User Rating: 1 | Star Wars: Force Commander PC
I don't even think Yoda himself could save this game from itself. Talk about one bad bad bad game. I was stupid enough to ignor the reviews and went out and bought this game expecting it to be all that it had promised to be and much to my own displeasure I discovered other wise.

This game is one of the worst Star Wars games ever released. It had an interesting story, but abissmal game play.

The graphics were extremely bad, and the controls were next to useless.

I played this game for about an hour and uninstalled it in a major huff. I was so extremely frustrated that I actually returned the game to the store. I have only done that twice that I can recall.

Now years later a friend buys this POS and installs it on his computer expecting it to be a great game. I had warned him against buying it, even for a $1.00, it was still way over priced. He discovered that I was correct and it is safe to say that the game disk is well on its way to the dump.