A good one player game that becomes great when you play multi-player online...
User Rating: 8.2 | Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds PC
This games is basically Age of Empires, Star Wars syle, you build armies, attack your enemies and try and take dominance of the map, all in the normal strategy game format. The best part of single player though is the campaigns, where you can take control of the Galactic Empire, Naboo, Rebels, Gungans, Wookies, or droid armies and in the expansion the clones and CIS. But the best part of this game is the online gaming on the zone.com, where you don't play the building part, you just play the attacking with interesting games such as Jedi Fest where you control Jedi and you attack other Jedi from the other team and the more kills you get the better Jedi you receive to use to attack. If you are interested in a good online Star Wars game this is for you, although before you buy it check out zone.com and see how many people still play it, I haven't played for a while...