It was good at first, 20 classes that you could choose from a wide variety of people to choose those classes, and the two main factions (imperial and rebel) seemed equal. Then came the first major patch which seemed to be the start of Galaxies downfall. It was called the CU or combat upgrade and it was the response to requests made by players who wanted to be jedi's but were upset because not everyone could be a jedi. It also nerfed (made worse to blance the game) some of the classes abilities. Then came what i like to call the Time of the Expansions. In which SOE (the company that helps make Galaxies) released 3 expansions in the course of one to two years. I must say that the expansions weren't exactly what i was expecting and regreted buying them. I was grudgingly accepting what was happening because i still had my variety of classes and the galaxy was still temming with players. Around the time of the time of the third expansion something caled the NGE (New Game Enhancements) struck like a plague. It made the game so horribly broken that most of the players left and with them the crafters left. That caused the once thriving econamy to collapse because you could get whatever you needed from quests. The NGE reduced the 20 different classes/proffessions to nine which caused even more people to leave. After a few months entire planets were near abandoned and space even more so. There were no more "grinding groups" which i was so fond of. Most of the guilds collapsed and with them the player made towns dissappeared. Capitols became Ghost Towns and the two factions became unbalanced. Not to mention that you had jedi running all over the place, where back before the NGE you would see maybe one or two every once in a while. Most of my friends left and soon I was left wandering the empty wasteland of what was once was and looking for someting that I could do in this game that made it worth it.
As a man once said, "You can always go back to an old roleplaying game by picking up its box. But the old Galaxies is gone for ever".
Written by Noorik Ex-Imperial Major Level 83 Ex-Tera Kasi Artist + Ex-Doctor
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