The Best MMO Game idea, The worst possible results.

User Rating: 4 | Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided PC
I can safely call myself a Star Wars Veteran, I picked up the game a month after its European release (I am a United Kingdom resident) and since then I have played this game and have experienced all the updates.

Now the idea of a MMO Star was universe is just fantastic, the thought of being someone in the star wars universe and living the star wars life just makes your hairs go on end, so obvious to say many people were highly anticipating the release of this game in Summer 2003.

However when it was released it was a dissapointment, not because the game was a bad one, but because it didnt have that star wars feel, on the other hand it was an enjoyable game and quickly became the biggest MMO in the market and players such as I quickly grew addicted to this game.

However update after update saw the games status deteriorate in quality and now we are left with nothing but a disaster, and a waste to an idea which could of shaped the future of online gaming.

So would I reccommend it? absolutely not, if this had been 3 years back then I would of easily reccommended it, not because of it's star wars feel, but simply because it was a MMORPG with alot of depth, exploration and enjoyment.

If you are dying to play in a star wars universe then heres my suggestions:

1) Give the free trial a go, I warn you the game is in a terrible state and has pretty much died, but a free trial is a free trial so go ahead and see what you think.

2) Like most of us who have quit SWG, we can only hope for another developing team to start a star wars MMORPG from scratch and really feed our expectations for such an ambitous idea.