Do not buy this game, these changes turn this from an RPG to an FPS game, the player base have been cheated by SOE & LA.
SOE will at a wim change the entire game play overnight, with changes that are not what the established player base want. They are planning to change the game on Nov 15th from an MMORPG to an MMOFPS style game. This is not an RPG style game any more it is set to be a FPS style game.
The playerbase is outraged at the changes. The main reason, ONE DAY after they release an expansion that SOE charged 30 US Dollars for they announce the change from MMORPG to MMOFPS which in turn renders more than half of the content in the expansion useless.
In the old game many players spent months attaining Jedi status, now with the proposed changes you can be Jedi from the moment you logon. If you want to play jedi go play something like KOTOR or one of the other Jedi games as this is crap. If you wants to play an FPS Star Wars game play something like Battlefront 2 or any of the others they are way better than this. You will be charges 15 US Dollars a month for something you can pay for once in the store and get far more enjoyment out of. The one thing that made the original great was the community this just got trashed by SOE and Lucasarts. In short do not get this game, it is a rip off.