They have turned a wonderful game into a lackluster FPS. Not Recommended for Adults, as it gets boring fast.
Those of you that disagree, thats cool because I live in America and thats one of the things that makes this country great. After playing again last night for several hours on TC, I came to the conclusion that , maybe it was time for SWG to move on to the younger crowd, I accept that and heck maybe its time for me to move on.
This morning while my 9 year old son was getting ready for school, I gave him the Username/password for my last open account and gave him direction on how to get on to the Test Server. I don't normaly allow him to play SWG because as they say "Game Experience my change during Online Play" and I think 9 is a a bit young for SWG, sorry personal preference. I asked that after homework he get on, create a character and told him to pretty much stay on the Spaceport until Levle 8, doing quest and such.
When I got home from work this evening, he was playing BattleFront II and I asked him how it went with SWG, he said he had alot of fun creating the toon and the movies were pretty cool, and the quest were easy enough. He liked that he collected some pretty cool stuff while on the station. He had decided to go on to Tatooine because he wanted to see Jabbas Palace. He said he did the Quest on Tatooine for awhile and got bored. His exact words were " It was fun for awhile but it got kinda boring, so I quit"
ARGH, if SWG is boring for a 9 year old kid, who the heck is their target audience? Evidently not us 40 somethings. I didnt think he would lose interest so fast because hes been playing KOTOR 2 for a good while and I dont think he has put the gamepad down since he got Battlefront2. If you read my previous post I have really tried to keep SWG as my game of choice, but after today.....dambit...... Well Ive got until January on this account so Ill continue to keep trying, cause I do like this game of ours alot.