If George Lucas were dead he would be rolling over in his grave.

User Rating: 1.4 | Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided PC
This game is not what I bought 2 years ago. I was actualy looking forward to this change till it happened. I was one of those poor poor holo grinders you saw about 1-1.5 years ago macroing them selves to an early grave. I never got my force sensitive slot to open and finaly gave up. NGE hits and I go and resub. Turn my master smuggler into a jedi and wham the problems start. None and I mean NOT EVEN ONE of the new quests work for crap. They send you to waypoints that lead nowhere but to emty or camped spawns. I played for several hours a day for 6 days strait and could not reach level 57 from 56. The only place in the game that you CAN get experiance in on Mustafar, ofcourse you have to pay $30 for the Trials of Obi Waan to get to that planet. SOE has tryed in my opinion to ruin this game and succeded. This game has been out for 2 years and there are still more bugged missions than there are ones that work! BUGS BUGS BUGS! I have unsubbed after only 2 weeks of play and will never go back. The game in UNPLAYABLE period. Do not let these fan boys fool you into getting ripped off by SOE.
