This game is not what I bought 2 years ago. I was actualy looking forward to this change till it happened. I was one of those poor poor holo grinders you saw about 1-1.5 years ago macroing them selves to an early grave. I never got my force sensitive slot to open and finaly gave up. NGE hits and I go and resub. Turn my master smuggler into a jedi and wham the problems start. None and I mean NOT EVEN ONE of the new quests work for crap. They send you to waypoints that lead nowhere but to emty or camped spawns. I played for several hours a day for 6 days strait and could not reach level 57 from 56. The only place in the game that you CAN get experiance in on Mustafar, ofcourse you have to pay $30 for the Trials of Obi Waan to get to that planet. SOE has tryed in my opinion to ruin this game and succeded. This game has been out for 2 years and there are still more bugged missions than there are ones that work! BUGS BUGS BUGS! I have unsubbed after only 2 weeks of play and will never go back. The game in UNPLAYABLE period. Do not let these fan boys fool you into getting ripped off by SOE.
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Everyone in the MMO community has heard about "Star Wars Galaxies", even many MMO companies compare themselves to SWG and SOE and say they will not become like that. Star Wars Galaxies... It was once a great ga... Read Full Review
I had this game few weeks after it was out, it was my first MMORPG. This game used to be the most compicated MMORPG ever made, you could play for years and still have lots to find out, not to mention to constant upda... Read Full Review