Starwars Galaxies: A Force to be messed with`
While it did add realism usually, it was a pain to play as a "game" with things like what I mentioned, the XP and profession gain system was boring to be honest, and PvP was kept in the realm of those that had the "Uber" template. Those of us that liked to PvP but have something different were labeled "non factors" by the "1337 nerds" (as I call them) and could never win at PvP unless we had FOTM templates backing us up (Ive been a Master Commando + other things relying heavily on my commando for the better part of 2 years now, for those that dont know we have had our share of horrible professional skills). Through it all, though, I have laid back and played the game, never resulting myself to get mad at other players or get into the politics that surround those that DO play this game to seriously. (Im not talking about RPers either they play a part and its not the same)
As I grew threw the game, and came to know it, Ive been in many guilds on Bloodfin (my home galaxy) and I eagerly awaited (as others did) the amazing CU that would fix everything and bring balance to the Universe. Well, silly me, I had to leave the game before it came out, and when I returned I found they added new icons (not very good ones but i didnt have a problem with these) a supposedly new gameplay mechanic that only seemed to really revamp the profession SP usage, and other silly useless doo-dads that I enjoyed for awhile but missed alot that used to be in the game. DOTs from aggros was gone, aggros attacking each other was gone, AI got severely dumb, and all in all Grinding money was all I could do anymore because I had no want to be anything but commando.
Also, commando supposed balance was not there, while we didnt spend our time on our backs, without the use of skills from other professions our usefulness in PvP was still non-existant. But I still stuck with it. I liked how the game was, I have enough people in the guild I started to run to PvP with, and I had enjoyment knowing the ins and outs of a game I had played for a year and a half (up to that point).
Then the bomb hits. The NGE as us players know it, and I was furious to hear about it in game. Taking away our diversity, shot me in heart, taking away friends that I had that did not like the ideas of the NGE (which are now gone), shot me in the heart, adding a combat feature to attack a target but have no way to lock on and no way to attack while prone or kneeling or even behind cover like a real FPS. I still play currently, but I dont know how long. Those that mock it have the right to do so, but alot havent even played nor do they voice there opinoins maturely (presumably because they are not mature). I dont point fingers, this was bound to happen with all the 1337 Jedi whining and all the care bear whining. Add them together and the DEVs will no longer listen, and give you what they fill makes everyone happy.
Yeah they added loot drops ( i like em), they fixed balance ( i like that Im still commando altho with CL90 being the new Master im no longer master but i am an elder), They added stats (i like em but honestly no matter how high they are they dont seem to make you any better in combat), yeah they will eventually establish certain things to make the FPS more enjoyable and good I suppose. But, if youve played just about all the TooW stuff before NGE was releaed theres nothing to do. I did most of the Newb quests (just finishing em up) and I'm working on the Bugged Obi Wan quests, but I fear my time in this game is drawing short. I no longer feel the magic in this game like i did when I first chose to set foot on Correllia (when I started you got to choose where you started among the base planets)
I realize this is going under JTL, and I assume Im doign something wrong because of it, but I wanted to say to those thinking of playing this game that are adult and mature... Its still a good game, but it is phasing out its Veterans. Theres enough content for you right now, but not for us. I'll continue playing and decide eventually whether i can afford to keep playing a game that has been dragged thru dirt twice now, but I dont know anymore... I'm just a Non-Factor Elder Commando.